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Located near Paralia Platanias, the 3-star Erato Beach Hotel has 24-hour reception and a laundry room. In 2012, the venue was successfully renovated. Platanias city centre is 1 km from the accommodation, while Paralia Agia Marina is 3.2 km away. Agios Dimitrios is also 1.1 km away.Mylos Club is within walking distance of this hotel. The Hotel Erato is set in Gournes Pediados, just 9.3 mi to the east of Heraklion. Here you can enjoy the golden sands and clear waters of the Eastern Mediterranean. Each evening, dine in the Erato's charming, wood-and-stone restaurant. There is also an informal bar where you can relax with a refreshing drink.

In Greek mythology, Erato (/ˈɛrət/; Ancient Greek: Ἐρατώ 'desired' or 'lovely') was the name of the following individuals.

  • Erato, one of the Nereids.[1][2]
  • Erato, one of the Greek Muses.[3]
  • Erato, one of the Nymphs Dodonides (Nysiades), nurses of Dionysus in Mount Nysa.[4]
  • Erato, one of the daughters of Danaus and Polyxo. Under the command of their father, along with her sisters except Hypermnestra, Erato married and murdered her husband Bromios[5] or Eudaemon[6] at the night of their wedding.
  • Erato (dryad), the wife of Arcas.[7]
  • Erato, daughter of Thespius and Megamede. She bore Heracles a son, Dynastes.[8]


  1. ^Hesiod. Theogony, 240ff.
  2. ^Pseudo-Apollodorus. Bibliotheca, Book 1.2.7ff.
  3. ^Pseudo-Apollodorus. Bibliotheca, Book 1.3.1.
  4. ^Hyginus, Fabulae, 182
  5. ^Pseudo-Apollodorus. Bibliotheca, Book 2.1.5
  6. ^Hyginus. Fabulae, 170
  7. ^Pausanias. Description of Greece, 8.4.2.
  8. ^Pseudo-Apollodorus. Bibliotheca, Book 2.4.10, 2.7.8
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Roman statue of Erato (2nd century AD), playing the kithara or lyre
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In Greek mythology, Erato (/ˈɛrət/; Ancient Greek: Ἐρατώ) is one of the Greek Muses. The name would mean 'desired' or 'lovely', if derived from the same root as Eros, as Apollonius of Rhodes playfully suggested in the invocation to Erato that begins Book III of his Argonautica.[1] Airmail 3 6 60 mm.

Erato by Simon Vouet

Erato is the Muse of love poetry. In the Orphic hymn to the Muses, it is Erato who charms the sight. Since the Renaissance she has mostly been shown with a wreath of myrtle and roses, holding a lyre, or a small kithara, a musical instrument often associated with Apollo.[2] In Simon Vouet's representations, two turtle-doves are eating seeds at her feet. Other representations may show her holding a golden arrow, reminding one of the 'eros', the feeling that she inspires in everybody, and at times she is accompanied by the god Eros, holding a torch. Apple compressor 4 4 6.


Erato was named with the other muses in Hesiod's Theogony. She was also invoked at the beginning of a lost poem, Rhadine (Ῥαδινή), that was referred to and briefly quoted by Strabo.[3] The love story of Rhadine made her supposed tomb on the island of Samos a pilgrimage site for star-crossed lovers in the time of Pausanias[4] and Erato was linked again with love in Plato's Phaedrus;[5] nevertheless, even in the third century BC, when Apollonius wrote, the Muses were not yet as inextricably linked to specific types of poetry as they became.[6]

Erato is also invoked at the start of book 7 of Virgil's Aeneid, which marks the beginning of the second half or 'Iliadic' section of the poem. Software to clip videos.


  1. ^Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, III.1–5, on-line text
  2. ^Cartwright, Mark (24 June 2012). 'Kithara'. Retrieved 15 April 2016.
  3. ^In Geography 8.3.20; Strabo's attribution of the poem to Stesichorus was refuted by H. J. Rose, 'Stesichoros and the Rhadine-Fragment', The Classical Quarterly26.2 (April 1932), pp. 88–92.
  4. ^Description of Greece 7.5.13.
  5. ^Phaedrus, 259.
  6. ^Richard Hunter, editor. Jason and the Golden Fleece (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993), p. 66 note.

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Erato.

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